Silver Birch Silver Birch Silver Birch!

You know what? Half-Truths and Brazen Lies is a 2017 Silver Birch non-fiction nominee for the super fantastic Forest of Reading program offered by the Ontario Library Association (OLA).

Silver Birch Award

Half-Truths and Brazen Lies is a Silver Birch Award 2017 non-fiction nominee!

I couldn't be more thrilled! About 250,000 students take part -- and this is my favourite thing ever -- they vote for the winner. Not some teacher, parent or librarian. The kids. And that's how I think it should be.

A couple of my books have been nominated for the program in the past (The Secret Life of Money and Growing Up, Inside and Out) and I have to say that visiting with readers at Harbourfront in Toronto, or in places like London, Ont., gives me the biggest thrill. And here's why:

Back when I was right out of university, I got a job editing magazines. One of them was for the OLA.  My job was to cover the Forest of Reading event one year. It was amazing! So many authors! So many kids who loved to read!

As I wandered around the room with my camera taking photos, I remember thinking, "Wouldn't it be amazing if someday I could be a kids' author at this event too?"

But I never thought that it would ever happen. Not in a million years.

Until it did.

And then it happened again. And again.

I am still so over-the-moon thankful and happy to be a small part of this wonderful party chock-a-block full of people I like best: kids who love to read. Like you, I'm a big reader too. I like nothing better than exploring the world through the words I read and meeting other people who feel the same way I do.

I'm all in. So if you have questions about my books or even want to share something you've written with me, click on that little "contact" tab at the top of the page and send me a message. I'd love to hear from you.

Let's get this party started!


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